Choirs have a long history of leading worship. Many references to a choir of men and boys singing and playing instruments can be found in the Old Testament. Worship in the early Christian church drew on these models that had become a part of synagogue worship.
The choir is that portion of the congregation that is trained and rehearsed for the specific task of leading the sung prayer and praise of the people. Choir leaders will want to help the whole congregation to develop a clear understanding of the choir’s role in the liturgy and its importance for the worship life of those assembled. In order to fulfill this calling, all choirs, no matter how large or small, no matter how limited or great their skill, will strive for excellence.
Our talented choir group, leads worship in every Sunday morning service as well as special worship opportunities throughout the year. We welcome all those who wish to be part of the Choir Group. Age is not a barrier. Interested individuals can approach the Parish Priest and communicate your interest.