


Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, though created higher than man. Some, the good angels, have remained obedient to Him and carry out His will. Lucifer, whose ambitions were a distortion of God’s plan, is known to us as the fallen angel, with the use of many names, among which are Satan, Belial, Beelzebub and the Devil.

  • The word “angelos” in Greek means messenger. Angels are purely spiritual beings that do God’s will (Psalms 103:20, Matthew 26:53). Isaiah 6:2
  • Angels have more knowledge than man (Matt.24:31; Luke 1:13-16) but less than God (Matt.24:36), 2. They have more power than man (2 Pet. 2:11; Acts 5:19) but less than God.
  • Angels were created before the world and man (Job 38:6,7)
  • Angels appear in the Bible from the beginning to the end, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation.
  • The Bible is our best source of knowledge about angels – for example, Psalms 91:11, Matthew 18:10 and Acts 12:15 indicate humans have guardian angels. The theological study of angels is known as angelology.
  • Angels worship God. They are continually involved in praising God (Rev.4:6-11) through describing His attributes (Is.6:3) and singing praises (Rev.5:8,9).
  • Angels carry out God’s government. Angels are God’s servants (Ps.103:20; Heb.1:7) and messengers (Luke 1:19; 2:8- 14). They can be involved in controlling nature (Rev.7:1; 16:3,8,9), nations (2 Kings 19:35), and Satan and demons (Dan.10:13,21; 12:1). They will perform future judgment for God (Matt.13:3a; Rev.15:1; 16:1-21).
  • Angels cannot reproduce (Mark 12:25), 3. They do not die (Luke 20:36).
  • Angels ministered to Christ. Angels announced His birth (Luke 1:26-33; 2:13), protected Him (Matt.2:13), strengthened Him (Matt.4:11; Luke 22:43), and explained to men His resurrection (Matt.28:6) and ascension (Acts 1:10,11).
  • Angels protect God’s people. Angels are sent to serve believers (Heb.1:14). They protect the godly (Ps.34:7; Dan.6:20,23), oppose our enemies (Ps.35:4,5) and are specifically assigned as guardians of individuals (Matt.18:10).
  • They are God’s agents in answering prayer (Acts 12:7) even bringing physical provisions (Gen.21:17-20; 1 Kings 19:5- 7). They assist believers at death (Luke 16:22; Jude 9). 34 books of Bible refer to angels, Christ taught their existence (Matt.8:10; 24:31; 26:53 etc.).
  • An angel can be in only one place at one time (Dan.9:21-23; 10:10-14), b. Although they are spirit beings, they can appear in the form of men (in dreams – Matt.1:20; in natural sight with human functions – Gen. 18:1-8; 22: 19:1; seen by some and not others – 2 Kings 6:15-17)

    Nine Orders of Angels in three groups

    Supreme Hierarchy (next to God)


    seraphinAngels of Love, Light, and Fire. Seraphim are the closest to God. In the Throne Room, several of the
    Seraphim were described as flying directly above the Throne of God and constantly sing His praise. They praise God, calling, “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts”. Isaiah 6 in the Old Testament speaks of the Seraphim as having six wings; two covering the face, two covering the feet, and two were used for
    “O ardent Seraphim, enkindle in our hearts, by the virtue of the Divine Blood, the sacred flame of the love of God with which you are consumed.”


    cherubin2The second highest Order of Angels, their name stands for Wisdom or one who prays. In the Throne
    Room they stand next to the Throne of God. They are also depicted on the Ark of the Covenant as its
    Guardians. Cherubs are the first Angels mentioned in the Bible when two Cherubs are placed by God
    to guard the gates to Eden with Flaming Swords. He drove out the man; and at the east of the
    Garden of Eden he placed the Cherubim, and a Flaming Sword which turned every way, to guard
    the way to the Tree of Life. Genesis 3:24. The Cherubim were also known as the record keepers
    of Heaven. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God’s glory.

    “O bright Cherubim, instruct us more to appreciate the power of the Precious Blood, in the excellent science of the saints, that we may also praise and glorify God with you.”


    ThronesThe third ranking Order of Angels, also known as the Ophanim, serve the primary function of being
    God’s chariot. They are also known as Wheels and the Many-eyed Ones. They are Angels of Justice
    as they carry out God’s decisions. These Angels are deployed like charioteers around the Throne of
    God. They are described in Ezekiel 1:13-19 as having four wings and four faces and sparkle like
    the color of burnished brass.

    “O Blessed Thrones, obtain for us peace through the Divine Blood, that peace which the world cannot give, which comes from submission to God’s will in our regard.”

    Middle Hierarchy (involved in government)


    DominationsThe fourth ranking Order of Angels. Also known as the Hashmallim, the dominations act like a middle
    management between the upper choir and the lower, holding the task of regulating the duties of
    lower angels. Dominations have been described as wearing long albs, or gowns reaching to their feet,
    hitched with a golden belt and adorned with a green sole.  The second hierarchy of angels is more specifically devoted to the management of human affairs. It opens with the Dominations, so called because, “they rule over all the angelic orders charged with the execution of the commands of the Great Monarch.” They regulate the work of other angels and keep a close watch on even the most intimately small details of existence. Therefore, these bright spirits make known to us the commands of God and their main virtue is zeal for the maintenance of the King’s authority. Let us remember them when seeking God’s will and invoke them in our perplexities.

    “O holy angels, pray to God for us, that we may ever be faithful to His holy will in all the circumstances of our earthly pilgrimage.”


    VirtuesThey are the Angels of miracles, encouragement, and blessings, and particularly involved with people
    struggling with their faith. They preside over the movements of the celestial bodies as well as
    events of weather including rain, snow, wind and the like. The two Angels at the Ascension of Jesus
    are traditionally believed to be from the Order of Virtues. Virtues are usually represented in a group.

    “O mighty intelligence, help us always, in virtue of the Divine Blood, to accomplish with perseverance whatever duty has been entrusted to us by God’s will.”


    powersThe sixth ranking Order of Angels. The powers are responsible for maintaining the border between
    Heaven and Earth. It is their duty to protect the world from the infiltration of demons. They protect
    our souls from these evil beings and act as ministers of God who avenge evil in the world. It
    was also believed that at death, the Powers guide our transition to Heaven.

    “O invincible Powers, in virtue of the Divine Blood, defend us against the attacks of the devil, the world and the flesh and make us victorious against that triple power.”

    Lower Hierarchy (involved in work)


    principalitiesThe head of the final choir, the principalities watch over the mortal world directly, guiding and
    protecting the earth’s nations, cities and towns. The Principalities are described as the Angels who
    protect religions. It was from this Order that the Angel who aided David in his task of slaying
    Goliath was thought to have come. Principalities have been described as being dressed in soldier’s
    uniforms with golden girdles.Finally, they are given to the task of managing the duties of the angels.

    “Sovereign Principalities, in virtue of the Divine Blood, govern also our souls and our bodies, and assist us in the attainment of our eternal destinies.”


    michael-postThese Angels carry God’s messages to humans and are ultimately in command of God’s Armies of
    Angels who are constantly in spiritual warfare with the forces of evil and the fallen angels. Michael is
    universally believed to be their leader. The number of Archangels considered to be associated with our
    system of worlds is seven, as in the Seven Angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:2, which is
    often interpreted to mean the Seven Archangels.

    “Noble Archangels, we beg you to aid us always, that profiting by the Divine Blood, we may ever live in faith, hope and charity, and die as true children of our Holy Mother the Church.”


    anglesThe ninth ranking Order of Angels. Angels are the Order closest to humanity. Instead of watching
    entire nations, angels watch over households and individual souls, guiding them subtlety and keeping
    them safe from demonic attack. Also, they are the carriers of God’s word to mankind, acting as
    messengers and couriers to both God and the upper ranks of angel kind as well.

    “Most holy Angels be ever for us the guardians of our safety and salvation, and since we were redeemed by the Divine Blood, obtain for us the grace of final perseverance.”


    1.St. Michael

    The Captain of God’s Armies

    michael-postMichael, whose name means ‘who is as God’, or “Who is like to God?” is generally considered to be
    the foremost of the seven archangels and the leader of the Host of Heaven. In both Biblical and
    non Biblical writings Michael ranks as the greatest of all angels. He was the second Angel created by
    God, (after Satan) and is the leader of all the Archangels. Michael has power over the fallen
    Angel Satan, and has the reputation of being in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and
    care for his family. He is believed to have been the angel who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.

    2.St. Gabriel

    The Press Secretary and Minister of Information

    st.Gabrie-postlGabriel (“God is my strength”) was the third angel created and ranks second in delegated authority
    since the fall of Satan. He is known as the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance,
    death, revelation. As for the incident with the three men (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) who
    were rescued from the fiery furnace, it was Gabriel, according to Jewish legend, who performed this
    miracle along with rescuing Daniel from the lions den.

    3.St. Raphael

    The Archangel of Healing

    st.raphel-postRaphael (“God has healed”) Raphael is known as “the shining one that heals”. He is the Ruler of the
    second heaven, Chief of the Virtues, Guardian of the “Tree of life” and one of the seven angels of the
    throne. He is usually shown with a smile, a pleasant, happy angel, officially a Virtue angel,
    Raphael is the angel sent by God to cure Jacob of the injury to his thigh when Jacob wrestled the
    angel at Peniel. Raphael appears by name in The Book of Tobit. In this book, Raphael acts as
    companion and guide to Tobit’s son Tobias who journeys to Media from Nineveh. It is only at the
    end of the journey that Raphael reveals himself by name as “one of the seven holy angels” that attend
    the throne of God. Raphael is in charge of maintaining the earth and its people. He is
    apparently God’s “maintenance man”” and the doctor.

    Based on these, then, there are nine possible intentions during Mass: when you need to feel the love of God (Seraphim); when you need an insight into the wisdom of God (Cherubim); when you need to peacefully submit to the will of God (Thrones); when you need to know the will of God (Dominations); when you need help carrying out the will of God (Virtues); when you need help removing obstacles keeping you from doing the will of God (Powers); when your nation and its leaders need protection and guidance (Principalities); when you or a loved one need special intercessions and protection (Archangels); and, finally, when you or a loved one need guidance in daily life (Angels).

    Source: catholicgk,