Demise of Sunny A. P Ayathil
Let us pray for the departed soul of Mr.Sunny A. P Ayathil. Funeral will be on 16th April...
Let us pray for the departed soul of Mr.Sunny A. P Ayathil. Funeral will be on 16th April...
Let us pray for the departed soul of Mr.Jacob C.T,Maliekal. Funeral will be on Friday, 14th March...
Let us pray for the departed soul of Mrs. Thresiamma Kurian (age 84). She is the mother of Mr.Tomy Kurian Edappallichirayil...
we regret to announce the demise of our beloved Mercy Abraham, Kanatt on 23-01-2014.Funeral will be held on 24-01-2014 at St. Thomas Knanaya Catholic church kuruppanthara...
നമ്മുടെ ഇടവകാംഗമായ ശ്രീമതി.വത്സമ്മ ബേബി ചക്കാലയ്ക്കലിന്റെ പിതാവ് ചുമ്മാര് പോത്തന് (93) ഇലക്കാട്ട്. ജൂലൈ 21 ന് നിര്യാതനായി. കൈപ്പുഴ ഇടവകാംഗമാണ്. സംസ്കാരം ജൂലൈ 24 ബുധനാഴ്ച കൈപ്പുഴ സെന്റ് ജോര്ജ് ഫൊറോന പള്ളിയില് ഉച്ചകഴിഞ്ഞ് 3:30ന് ...
Informing you with grief the passing away of Mr. Joseph P. K. Pakkuvettithara. He died on Friday, June 21, 2013. Funeral ceremony will beings at 12:00 pm on Saturday, 22nd June at his residence in Gandhinagar, followed by Cremation service at Little Flower Church, Elamkulam. Let...
This is to inform you all the sad demise of Abhilash Abraham, Son of Mrs. Mercy Kanatt...
Let us pray for the departed soul of Mrs. Ammini Johny (age 60). She passed away on 4th March 2013 after prolonged illness. She is the wife of Johny Myalkarapurath & Mother of Bibin Johny, Feby Manoj and Seby Shiju. The funeral service was held at...