
Feast of the Holy Innocents

by Fr. Jose Sarpathil CSC
This is a feast celebration which is done during the Christmas season. Christmas is a joyous season for the world which remembers and rejoices over the birth of the Saviour who brings meaning and hope to human life. Amidst this celebration we have this one feast of the innocent martyres. They were martyred by the order of king Herod the ruler of Israel. He ordered the killing of all male children under the age of two years in Bethlehem. He did this because the king didn’t want a rival “King of the Jews” in his kingdom!! so he adopted this strategy to eliminate the possibility of such a rival for him.

God turns their suffering of blood shed into far more important form of life. A life that continues to shine forth in the Holy presence of God (Heaven)

On the other hand, these poor children born into this world had no knowledge as to why they had to be deprived of this beautiful gift of life that God had given them through their parents. They were innocent and unaware of the machinations of of Herod. Hence they are holy and innocent. Instead of going more into the details of the history of this incident, let us look into the lessons that come out from this incident – so sad and of intense grief. Obviously what we celebrate is not the killing of the children of Bethlehem. But the celebration of the wisdom, power and love of God who turned an evil into a much greater gift of divine life. God turns their suffering of blood shed into far more important form of life. A life that continues to shine forth in the Holy presence of God (Heaven).

God grants them this wonderful gift, because it is these little ones who gave-up their lives to save/protect the life of their King and Saviour – Jesus the Messiah. We have looked at the innocent martyrs so far. How about the Herod’s of today? Are there not many of them in all societies, cultures and religions? Yes there are and there have been. They continue to kill the innocents for the sake of their unchallenged power, possessions and pleasure. The modern form of Herod’s are everywhere. How many innocent senior citizens have been killed for the sake of their possessions? How many innocent youths have been killed, violate, deformed and cruelly molested for the sake of pleasure and domination? How many foetuses are down the drains for the sake of pleasure, prestige, status and convenience? Finally aren’t there some form of “Hero’s”, lurking in our consciences?

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, shall we pray to God the creator for the sincere conversion of the Herod’s of modern times.